This is how we do it

The Fundamentals of The Leverage Selling System

Specifically designed for small businesses and lifestyle entrepreneurs to maximize scalability, profitability, and freedom of time and location, without requiring large teams or investments to manage.

Automate (Almost) Everything

The Leverage Selling System leverages automation throughout the system to:

  • Reduce costs: you don’t need a large team of salespeople or market staff to grow.
  • Free up time: so you drive sales growth without having to be personally involved in every sale.
  • Get consistent results: the right message is delivered to every prospect every time…no more relying on salespeople that don’t perform.

The result is more flexibility, scalability, and profitability.

Invest In Media Over Salespeople

Salespeople are expensive, temperamental, and unreliable. Not to mention they take up space and time!

We far prefer the flexibility, consistency, measurability, and variable cost of paid media.

Add Value Over Selling

The original marketing ‘influencer’, Peter Drucker, said: “The aim of marketing is to make selling superfluous.

In other words, if you know your customer, have a product that solves their problems, and can clearly demonstrate your value – selling should be very easy.

The Leverage Selling System is specifically designed to harness the value of your knowledge and experience to pre-sell your prospects and make winning their business as easy and natural as possible.

Pull vs Push

Your customers have more options and control than any time in history. They can research products, read articles, and ask their friends and the public for input before they make a purchase.

That means you need to woo them.

The Leverage Selling System is designed to build relationships and brand strength with your prospects so they are attracted to you.

Be Everywhere

Today’s consumer is investing their time and attention across more media than ever before. If you want to keep their attention and win their business, you need to meet them where they are, and you need to stay in front of them.

The Leverage Selling System uses content, paid media, and retargeting to ensure that you are ‘everywhere’.

Keep It Simple

The Leverage Selling System is based off of frameworks that leverage timeless sales and marketing principles, with a focus on simplicity, so you don’t have to waste your time chasing every new tactic or trying to become a master of sales and marketing technology.

The system will get you maximum results while minimizing your investment in time and overhead.

Do you know the 3 fastest ways to get more leverage from your sales & marketing?


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Meet the Founder

Creator of The Leverage Selling System

Mike Cooch

He has founded successful, seven-figure businesses in technology services, agency services, publishing, and ecommerce (and flopped on a variety of attempts as well…keepin’ it real!).

His first business, which was a leader in the creation of the Managed IT Services industry for small businesses, was named to the INC Magazine List of Fastest Growing Companies three years in a row, and was also nominated as a Best Place to Work.

He then founded Kutenda, a Marketing Services Provider (not an Agency!), that experienced explosive growth by applying the ‘Services That Scale’ strategies Mike had developed while building Everon.

The experiences and lessons learned from building those two companies form the foundation of Mike’s training that has helped thousands of entrepreneurs start and grow their businesses.

He has an MBA from Babson College (the #1 ranked entrepreneurship school in the world 24 years running – go Beavers!), where he has been a regular guest lecturer on the topic of ‘Managing a Rapidly Growing Business’, and a BS in Finance from Colorado State University.

He has three children, is an avid skier, hiker and traveler, and is loving life in his adopted hometown of San Diego.

What people say about us

Check out what our tribe has to say about us!

Clarence Fisher

Founder, Tulsa IM

“You don’t have to be smart to get INTO business, but you’d better get smart quick to STAY in business. That’s what Michael Cooch’s training has allowed me to do, win clients and deals for almost a decade.”

Josh Nelson

CEO Plumbing & HVAC SEO

“Thank you Michael Cooch. Your training, coaching and guidance over the years has been instrumental in our continued growth and success!”

Nehal Kazim

Founder, Amplify Facebook Ads Agency

“What I have learned from Mike is very simple; how to plan for growth, how to execute for growth, and how to manage that growth in my business. I have been very fortunate to meet these guys and learn from them online and in person.”

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