Build an Automated Sales and Marketing System That Gives You More Scalability, Profitability, and Freedom.


Programs and Pricing

Flexible pricing designed for all companies and individuals.

The Foundations Course

$ 997 .00

The Foundations Course guides you in the implementation of the foundational strategies and systems of the Leverage Selling Methodology

Who Is It For: The Foundations Course is for the business that is struggling to reach its potential scale and profitability because it’s not effectively leveraging online advertising, content marketing, sales funnels, automation, or one-to-many sales strategies, and would like to put a manageable system in place to accomplish these things without adding additional overhead or complexity to their business.

Outcome: Develop and install a high-leverage sales and marketing system that gets your brand more attention, automatically builds relationships with prospects, and converts more opportunities into revenue – that is easily managed, can scale up without additional effort, and gives you more time back on your calendar.

Format: Self-guided online training and 3 months of free access to the Leverage Selling Mastermind’s weekly live instructor-led training and Q&A sessions.

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The Foundations Masterclass

$ 2,500 .00

The Foundations Masterclass is a cohort-based, instructor led program to guide you in the implementation of your Leverage Selling System.

Who Is It For: The Foundations Masterclass is for the business that would like hands-on guidance to help them apply the Leverage Selling System concepts and practices as quickly as possible.

Outcome: Develop and install a high-leverage sales and marketing system that gets your brand more attention, automatically builds relationships with prospects, and converts more opportunities into revenue- that is easily managed, can scale up without additional effort, and gives you more time back on your calendar.

Format: Twelve-week online training and small-group weekly live instructor-led training and Q&A sessions, plus access to a private online community

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The Moguls Mastermind

$ 997 .00/year

The Moguls Mastermind is is a community of entrepreneurs committed to applying the concepts, strategies, and tactics of the Leverage Selling System to achieve rapid growth at their business.

Who Is It For: The Moguls Mastermind is for entrepreneurs that want ongoing training, accountability, and community to help them master the concepts of Leverage Selling and scale their business.

Members must have an established business and have completed the initial implementation of the Leverage Selling System at their business.

Outcome: Develop the knowledge and skills to confidently grow your business, build lifelong relationships with other entrepreneurs that inspire, challenge, and support you, and participate in amazing growth experiences.

Format: Twelve-months of weekly live mastermind calls and access to a private online community.

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The ideal Leverage Selling System customer is an early-stage entrepreneur or small business owner that wants a highly-automated, scalable sales and marketing system so that they can grow their business to seven-figures and beyond, without employing a full-time sales and marketing team, and while maintaining a high degree of flexibility of time and location.

A few ways:

  • It’s a complete sales and marketing system. The Leverage Selling System is designed to provide all of the sales and marketing components and functions that a business needs to scale to the mid-seven figures.
  • It reduces complexity. A key focus of the Leverage Selling System is to reduce complexity so that an early-stage entrepreneur or small business owner can operate the sales system with minimal help by leveraging automation and simple system design.
  • It’s adaptable for the long term. Although a goal of the Leverage Selling System is to reduce complexity, it is also complete, powerful, and adaptable to meet the needs of your business as it grows.
  • It’s based on real-world testing and application in multiple industries. The Leverage Selling System has been proven in selling professional services, coaching, consulting, online/information product businesses, local businesses, and ecommerce businesses.
  • It’s backed by a long-term commitment to mentorship, community, feedback, and support. All of our program options include the ability to interact live with a coach from our team to ask questions and get feedback. Plus, you’ll join a community of founders and companies working to help each other grow. Finally, our support team is second to none and ready to assist to ensure that you have 24/7 access to your resources.

Yes! That’s the short answer. The longer answer is this system is built on fundamental strategies of sales and marketing that apply in both B2B and B2C businesses.

While the specific implementation of the Leverage Selling strategies will differ business by business, the system is based on a foundation of fundamental sales and marketing strategies and consumer behavior that can be applied to any business.

While the Leverage Selling System can help any ecommerce build its brand and escape commoditization, there are strategies and tactics specific to ecommerce businesses that we do not focus on in this program.

You will need additional training that is specific to the demands of an ecommerce business, particularly if you are selling a high volume of commoditized, low-ticket products.

Yes! This system is designed to be a complete sales and marketing system.

Strategy, offer development, message development, paid advertising, content marketing, social media, sales funnels, retargeting, and email marketing are all specifically included in the Leverage Selling System.

In addition, because the system is designed around long-term strategies and frameworks, and not married to specific tactics or technologies, businesses that want to include other marketing strategies – such as sms messaging, Facebook Messenger, etc – will find it easy to include in their Leverage Selling System.

Because, as we’ve proven across multiple industries, effective sales and marketing is about executing the fundamentals.

The goal of the Leverage Selling System is NOT to make you an expert in all – or any – of these areas, but rather to give you what you need of each of them to create a complete, effective system.

Note from Mike Cooch, creator of the Leverage Selling System:

I personally made the mistake of getting sucked into trying to master specific individual aspects of sales and marketing for a while, as you may have.

Thankfully I realized that I didn’t personally need to master Facebook ads or copywriting or creating viral videos – I can pay someone to do those things for me.

What I did need were strategies and frameworks that would guide my thinking and help me design and execute an effective overall strategy. This kind of thinking is sorely lacking in the Digital Marketing world, so I developed them myself.

If you are trying to be an entrepreneur/CEO, the same can be said for you. You don’t need to be a master in any particular aspect of marketing or technology to lead the growth of a business…you need to be able to set and execute an effective overall sales and marketing strategy.

No, that’s not what we’re saying at all. This program’s primary goal is to set our customers up with a complete system. Our secondary goal is to educate them on ‘why’ the system is designed the way it is and how to use it effectively.

But the execution of the system comes first!

So all of the details are provided to help you get the result you’re looking for: a complete, high-performance sales and marketing system.

But you do not need to personally achieve ‘guru’ status in how to do Facebook ads, or retargeting, or anything else to achieve that result – and this program makes no attempt to teach you at that depth for any specific marketing or technology as it’s simply not necessary.

If you want to master any specific aspect of sales or marketing, you’ll end up needing additional training to compliment the Leverage Selling System.

We give you a list of tools that I recommend in the program, but you’ll need the same sales and marketing tools that you’d need to build any online sales and marketing system these days – an autoresponder, a page builder, something to handle transaction processing, etc.

That largely depends on the nature of your business, how much marketing budget you have, and how aggressive you want to be. We do recommend that all businesses have a retargeting budget in place, but if you area a very small business or just getting started, that can be as little as $5-10/day to get started.

Yes. You will have a learning curve to go through for sure (we recommend the Implementation Immersion so you’ll have more hands-on guidance), but the program’s primary goal is to get you up and running with a complete system as efficiently as possible.

Our secondary goal is to educate you on ‘why’ the system is designed the way it is and how to use it effectively. But you don’t have to become a sales and marketing expert to put the Leverage Selling System to use at your business.

We think of “skills” as knowing all the tools that actually lead to customers in a way that is profitable and that can scale.

Specifically, our program is designed to help you set up and optimize the two or three acquisition channels most likely to work for your type of business: that means you work on everything from copywriting to landing page design, conversion tracking, ad setup, and A/B testing.

The program is complete, but it is delivered to you in a planned sequence to ensure that complete the implementation of the system at your business without getting distracted or overwhelmed.

You will have access to the training and Q&A calls for a full year from the date of your purchase. If you would like to maintain access after that year you will need to pay an additional reduced annual fee, which gives you access to all course updates and access to the calls (Currently $497/year).

Yes, all of our programs are backed by a 30-day money-back guarantee.

What do I do if I still have questions?

Please use the contact option on this page to reach us with any sales-related questions, or email [email protected] with any support-related questions.

Do you know the 3 fastest ways to get more leverage from your sales & marketing?


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What people say about us

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Clarence Fisher

Founder, Tulsa IM

“You don’t have to be smart to get INTO business, but you’d better get smart quick to STAY in business. That’s what Michael Cooch’s training has allowed me to do, win clients and deals for almost a decade.”

Josh Nelson

CEO Plumbing & HVAC SEO

“Thank you Michael Cooch. Your training, coaching and guidance over the years has been instrumental in our continued growth and success!”

Nehal Kazim

Founder, Amplify Facebook Ads Agency

“What I have learned from Mike is very simple; how to plan for growth, how to execute for growth, and how to manage that growth in my business. I have been very fortunate to meet these guys and learn from them online and in person.”

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